735 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 735
Entry no. 115 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-U870_B-A905 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 446 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1FKA_j2_A-G118_A-C231 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 730 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1HNZ_j2_A-G683_A-U705 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 1028 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I96_j2_A-C180_A-G195 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 1195 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1IBK_j2_A-G1304_A-G1331 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 1648 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZX_j2_A-A883_A-U917 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 1823 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-A883_A-U917 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 1952 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K01_j2_A-C1181_A-G1191 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 2098 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K73_j2_A-G2725_A-G2755 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 2488 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1KC8_j2_A-U664_A-G680 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 2918 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1M5K_j2_B-C17_B-C64 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 3254 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N34_j2_A-G145_A-C175 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 3534 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJI_j2_A-C1856_A-U1871 |
Angle(s):104° |
Entry no. 3768 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-A1227_0-G1246 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 3934 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJO_j2_0-C2329_0-G2344 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 4126 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-U1232_0-G1241 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 4337 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-C1795_0-G1803 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 4503 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-A883_0-U917 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 4664 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-C1765_0-C1779 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 4938 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Q81_j2_A-U664_A-G680 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 5367 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1QVG_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):127° |
Entry no. 5693 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):110° |
Entry no. 6003 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VOS_j2_A-C599_A-G637 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 6372 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VP0_j2_B-A168_B-U179 |
Angle(s):142° |
Entry no. 6712 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ6_j2_0-U664_0-G680 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 7102 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQK_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):107° |
Entry no. 7458 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQN_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):127° |
Entry no. 7890 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VS7_j2_A-A1261_A-G1272 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 8468 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-C1765_0-C1779 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 8768 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YI2_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 9115 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YJ9_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 9444 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YL4_j2_A-A151_A-G168 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 9554 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G1047_2-G1128 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 9679 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2A2E_j2_A-G273_A-C280 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 10071 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B64_j2_A-A684_A-A704 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 10216 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9N_j2_A-A483_A-G495 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 10330 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-G704_A-G725 |
Angle(s):142° |
Entry no. 10672 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GY9_j2_A-G453_A-C477 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10840 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-A579_A-G760 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 10986 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2H0S_j2_B-G97_B-G133 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 11208 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGP_j2_A-C995_A-A1044 |
Angle(s):131° |
Entry no. 11602 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2I2T_j2_B-C2103_B-A2184 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 11797 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J00_j2_A-C155_A-U164 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 12084 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J03_j2_A-G2101_A-G2186 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 12376 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2OTJ_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):128° |
Entry no. 12849 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:406D_j2_B-G6_H-G23 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 151 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1CQ5_j2_A-C15_A-G30 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 447 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1FKA_j2_A-G1401_A-G1450 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 772 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1HR0_j2_A-A453_A-G477 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 1035 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I96_j2_A-C986_A-C997 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 1238 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1IBL_j2_A-A1001_A-C1038 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 1651 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZX_j2_A-C1181_A-G1191 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 1828 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-C1181_A-G1191 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 1957 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K01_j2_A-C1758_A-C1966 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 2113 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K73_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 2545 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1KD1_j2_A-C1856_A-U1871 |
Angle(s):107° |
Entry no. 2945 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1M5V_j2_A-C3_B-U87 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 3275 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N34_j2_A-U580_A-A759 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 3544 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJI_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):126° |
Entry no. 3777 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-A883_0-U917 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 3949 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJO_j2_0-C391_0-A407 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 4135 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-U2080_0-G2173 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 4339 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-C2068_0-U2211 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 4508 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-C1214_0-C1256 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 4668 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-C391_0-A407 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 4995 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Q82_j2_A-C1856_A-U1871 |
Angle(s):111° |
Entry no. 5379 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1QVG_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):178° |
Entry no. 5703 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):130° |
Entry no. 6044 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VOU_j2_B-A1226_B-U1247 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 6376 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VP0_j2_B-A883_B-U917 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 6764 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ7_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):108° |
Entry no. 7112 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQK_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):124° |
Entry no. 7468 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQN_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 7981 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1W2B_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):115° |
Entry no. 8485 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-C603_0-C675 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 8790 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YI2_j2_0-U664_0-G680 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 9190 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YJN_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):111° |
Entry no. 9450 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YL4_j2_A-A675_A-G713 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 9556 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G1291_2-U1303 |
Angle(s):171° |
Entry no. 9695 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2AAR_j2_0-A1372_0-C1383 |
Angle(s):179° |
Entry no. 10074 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B64_j2_A-C19_A-A914 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 10221 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9N_j2_A-C1052_A-U1105 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 10337 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-U877_A-C898 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10719 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-A1040_0-U1113 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 10851 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-C940_A-U1341 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 10997 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-A1306_A-A1329 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 11277 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGQ_j2_A-G1358_A-G1371 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 11604 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2I2T_j2_B-C2466_B-A2482 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 11803 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J00_j2_A-C615_A-C623 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 12168 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J28_j2_B-C2103_B-A2184 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 12386 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2OTJ_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 12850 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:406D_j2_D-G10_F-G27 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 153 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1CQL_j2_A-C15_A-G30 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 449 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1FKA_j2_A-G1482_A-G1499 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 779 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1HR0_j2_A-C1412_A-G1486 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 1040 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I96_j2_A-G1399_A-U1458 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 1320 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1IBM_j2_A-G1304_A-G1331 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 1657 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZX_j2_A-C2068_A-U2211 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 1832 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-C1758_A-C1966 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 1960 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K01_j2_A-C2068_A-U2211 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 2194 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-C1856_A-U1871 |
Angle(s):111° |
Entry no. 2555 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1KD1_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):129° |
Entry no. 2971 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1M90_j2_A-C1856_A-U1871 |
Angle(s):107° |
Entry no. 3300 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N36_j2_A-A1428_A-G1470 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 3556 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJI_j2_A-G2725_A-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 3781 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-C1214_0-C1256 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 3964 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJO_j2_0-G1542_0-G1559 |
Angle(s):178° |
Entry no. 4182 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NKW_j2_0-A719_0-G736 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 4347 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-C2671_0-C2695 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 4515 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-C169_0-C178 |
Angle(s):132° |
Entry no. 4670 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-C864_0-A936 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 5005 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Q82_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):127° |
Entry no. 5394 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1QVG_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):147° |
Entry no. 5714 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 6046 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VOU_j2_B-A168_B-U179 |
Angle(s):135° |
Entry no. 6439 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):116° |
Entry no. 6773 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ7_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):128° |
Entry no. 7121 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQK_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 7481 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQN_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 7992 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1W2B_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):125° |
Entry no. 8508 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-G2083_0-C2170 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 8847 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YIJ_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):115° |
Entry no. 9200 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YJN_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):124° |
Entry no. 9456 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YL4_j2_A-C779_A-U801 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 9557 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G1371_2-G1384 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 9711 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2AAR_j2_0-C1491_0-U1530 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 10087 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B64_j2_A-G581_A-G758 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 10229 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9N_j2_A-G1039_A-G1114 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 10393 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2CSX_j2_D-G2_D-C69 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 10726 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-C1053_0-C1104 |
Angle(s):146° |
Entry no. 10858 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-G138_A-A223 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 10999 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-A684_A-A704 |
Angle(s):140° |
Entry no. 11283 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGQ_j2_A-G2351_A-C2364 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 11611 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2I2T_j2_B-G24_B-A514 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 11820 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J00_j2_A-G941_A-A1340 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 12175 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J28_j2_B-G24_B-A514 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 12401 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2OTJ_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):147° |
Entry no. 12851 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:406D_j2_D-G14_F-G23 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 159 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1D4R_j2_A-G14_B-G13 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 450 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1FKA_j2_A-G184_A-G193 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 790 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1HR0_j2_A-G1416_A-G1482 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 1089 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I97_j2_A-A435_A-G475 |
Angle(s):178° |
Entry no. 1376 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1J5A_j2_A-A883_A-U917 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 1664 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZX_j2_A-C391_A-A407 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 1835 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-C2068_A-U2211 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 1970 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K01_j2_A-C391_A-A407 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 2204 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):128° |
Entry no. 2566 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1KD1_j2_A-G2725_A-G2755 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 2981 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1M90_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):128° |
Entry no. 3306 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N36_j2_A-A949_A-C1230 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 3571 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJI_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):146° |
Entry no. 3788 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-C169_0-C178 |
Angle(s):133° |
Entry no. 3982 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJO_j2_0-G548_0-G562 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 4187 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NKW_j2_0-C2068_0-U2211 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 4357 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-G1371_0-G1384 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 4516 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-C1765_0-C1779 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 4684 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-G1542_0-G1559 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 5017 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Q82_j2_A-G2725_A-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 5474 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1R9S_j2_R-A5_T-T8 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 5729 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):147° |
Entry no. 6050 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VOU_j2_B-A883_B-U917 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 6449 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):129° |
Entry no. 6783 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ7_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 7134 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQK_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 7503 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQN_j2_0-U664_0-G680 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 8005 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
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Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 7855 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VS6_j2_B-C2103_B-A2184 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 8458 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-A883_0-U917 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 8743 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YI2_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):127° |
Entry no. 9088 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YJ9_j2_0-C58_0-A86 |
Angle(s):125° |
Entry no. 9427 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YL3_j2_A-U858_A-A917 |
Angle(s):146° |
Entry no. 9547 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-C545_2-A565 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 9671 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:28SP_j2_A-C6_A-G21 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 10048 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2AWB_j2_B-U607_B-G619 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 10190 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9M_j2_A-G829_A-G855 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 10324 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-G1039_A-G1114 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 10647 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GY9_j2_A-A1245_A-G1290 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 10836 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-A1306_A-A1329 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 10958 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYC_j2_9-C19_9-C62 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 11194 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGP_j2_A-A684_A-A704 |
Angle(s):143° |
Entry no. 11515 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HVS_j2_F-C4_H-C243 |
Angle(s):134° |
Entry no. 11788 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J00_j2_A-C1007_A-U1020 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 12057 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J03_j2_A-C1800_A-A1815 |
Angle(s):106° |
Entry no. 12305 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2OGM_j2_0-U1232_0-G1241 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 78 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-G2138_B-U2151 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 439 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1FKA_j2_A-C181_A-G196 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 721 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1HNZ_j2_A-G1304_A-G1331 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 985 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I95_j2_A-U1103_A-U1132 |
Angle(s):144° |
Entry no. 1149 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1I97_j2_A-U818_A-C826 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 1597 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JJ2_j2_0-U664_0-G680 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 1775 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1JZY_j2_A-U1232_A-G1241 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 1947 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K01_j2_A-A883_A-U917 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 2087 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1K73_j2_A-C58_A-A86 |
Angle(s):128° |
Entry no. 2465 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1KC8_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):145° |
Entry no. 2854 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1M1K_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 3251 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N34_j2_A-G139_A-U222 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 3438 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1N8R_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 3725 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJM_j2_0-U2080_0-G2173 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 3929 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJO_j2_0-C1765_0-C1779 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 4120 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-G867_0-G933 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 4336 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-C1701_0-G1719 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 4501 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-A80_0-A101 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 4663 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-C169_0-C178 |
Angle(s):132° |
Entry no. 4916 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Q81_j2_A-G952_A-A1013 |
Angle(s):147° |
Entry no. 5358 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1QVG_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):118° |
Entry no. 5638 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1S1I_j2_3-U664_3-G680 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 5997 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VOS_j2_A-C19_A-A914 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 6369 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VP0_j2_B-A1226_B-U1247 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 6690 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ6_j2_0-G952_0-A1013 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 7044 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQ9_j2_0-U664_0-G680 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 7450 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VQN_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):115° |
Entry no. 7875 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1VS6_j2_B-U607_B-G619 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 8463 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-C1181_0-G1191 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 8753 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YI2_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 9100 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YJ9_j2_0-G2725_0-G2755 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 9428 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1YL3_j2_A-U877_A-C898 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 9550 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-C827_2-G1205 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 9672 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:28SR_j2_A-C6_A-G21 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 10070 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B64_j2_A-A33_A-C549 |
Angle(s):171° |
Entry no. 10196 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9M_j2_A-U256_A-C268 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 10326 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-G27_A-U511 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10648 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GY9_j2_A-A1261_A-G1272 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 10837 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-A1418_A-A1480 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 10962 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2GYC_j2_9-G76_9-G98 |
Angle(s):144° |
Entry no. 11206 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HGP_j2_A-C779_A-U801 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 11516 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2HVS_j2_F-T8_H-C239 |
Angle(s):143° |
Entry no. 11793 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J00_j2_A-C1259_A-G1274 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 12076 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2J03_j2_A-G1219_A-G1228 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 12366 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:2OTJ_j2_0-C1856_0-U1871 |
Angle(s):106° |
Entry no. 12848 |
Classification:HS1HS1 |
Name:406D_j2_A-G6_G-G23 |
Angle(s):175° |
735 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 735